Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Blog #1 Computers are essential

One of the most interesting communication technologies I have experienced are personal computers (PCs). As a 7-year-old, I remember my dad bringing in this new box that read DELL and in it came with bulky monitor and tower. It’s crazy to think that I was discovering a new wave of digital communication at such a young age. I will never forget the sound of the AOL dial up tone and thinking, how much slower can this thing be? I watched and learned how to use this object and then eventually mastered the use of the computer and internet. Computers have been such a big part of my life that I don’t think I could be without one. It is so essential in my college career, because it's necessary to have access to the internet. I use my computer for everyday life including: shopping, paying bills, and of course my job. According to class lecture, penetration of PC’s in a U.S. household is at 90%.  Others should be mindful that computers are a part of life because it gives us the opportunity to have fast access to information that is needed.  It's unfortunate that not all can have access to a computer but because of a such high demand for them they are now installed in most public libraries and in all university libraries. 


  1. 100% true blog post and I really like your in-depth description of how you remembered your first PC start up, I felt like I can visualize it right in front of me. I agree personally because I need a computer for not only my education, but for my business as well as my basic computer technology hobbies. I believe in most courses they tell you right in the syllabus that some sort of internet access is required for you to be successful in the classroom, so just to be educated in today's society, computers, ipads, or simple phone technology is needed for you to successfully get through most courses. Glad that most public libraries and school institutions offer this equipment to create a productive work environment for the students. Good tips on Dell computers as well, I’ve been looking into some at-home desktops to last for some time versus the lifespan on an apple laptop. - Calasia Haynes

  2. Hello!
    I really enjoyed reading your post. It was super relatable. I think that it is interesting that in our life times we have seen technology change so much and that we will continue to see technology change so much. I remember my first "home computer" we had as a kid and how big, clunky, and slow it was. I also remember my very first phone that had internet on it and I thought it was the coolest thing. It was a flip phone and I was never actually allowed to use the internet because it would have charged my parents extra money on the bill, but I thought it was cool to tell people regardless.
    -Alexandria Villarreal

  3. Hello! I think that most college students today remember their first experience with a computer in the household and watching PC technology grow and evolve. The PC moved from an arcane box only your parents would use to a real and essential piece of technology. As a child it is hard to imagine those clunky PCs becoming so important to your daily routine. -Christian Cano
